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Which fruits are suitable for early winter health?

What kind of fruit is suitable for eating in the early winter? The fresh equipment is introduced to you. The main contents are as follows:



    Apple contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, malic acid and fine fiber, etc., apples are also rich in sugar and potassium salts, with the effect of thirst, lungs and spleen, nourishing the heart and qi, can promote abdominal crawling Move, regulate the stomach, cure constipation and help digestion, and can maintain the stability of blood sugar, play a role in lowering cholesterol and preventing gallstones.




    Pear is rich in a variety of vitamins and dietary fiber, can promote the body's detoxification and promote appetite, sweet and sour, with lungs and dryness, cough and phlegm, nourishing blood and muscle, so the throat is dry, itchy, pain, Sound dumb, thick and so on have good results.




    Orange is the seasonal fruit in winter. It is not only sweet and sour, rich in nutrients, but also has many medicinal properties. It has the effects of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, phlegm, spleen, spleen and thirst, and alleviating the food. Too poor to form indigestion, food is not vibrating.




    It contains rich carbohydrates, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, potassium and vitamin C. It can eliminate stomach and qi, promote qi and activating blood circulation, stop phlegm and blood pressure, as well as eliminate fat and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.




    Grapefruit has high nutritional value and contains very rich protein, organic acid and essential elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium. It has the effects of lowering blood sugar, lowering blood fat, strengthening stomach and digestion, and improving skin and beauty. Regular consumption, adjuvant treatment for high blood pressure, diabetes, vascular sclerosis and other diseases.

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